Source Code

WordPress: Translate Strings with functions.php

Introduction If you are living in a non-english speaking country like me, or you create a website for a customer in a country like that you probably need to translate the website...
Using Regular Expressions (RegEx)

WooCommerce: Show Custom Text for Products with no Price

Imagine you have some special individual products on your WooCommerce store where you do not want to show the price to the public visitor. Probably you want your interested customers to...

How to find driver causing Bluescreens (BSODs) of your Windows 10 device

Introduction Unfortunately you can face sometimes a Bluescreen of Death (BSOD) after installing an unsupported driver or if a driver is outdated. If you have not seen a Windows Bluescreen yet, it...
Visual Dashboard

Adapt WooCommerce Customer Menu at My Account page

If you are creating a WooCommerce-powered Wordpress webshop, you might get into the following situation. Per default, the WooCommerce "My Account" section displays the following menu entries for the user. I...
Raspberry Pi

Installation of OpenMediaVault5 NAS Raspberry Pi

I have been using my old Raspberry Pi 2 Model B+ as a media center with LibreELEC for a very long time. Today, I decided to install another system on my...

Generate ACL Report of File Share with PowerShell to CSV

I think all of you who are administrating file servers, file shares and their permissions, maybe also together with colleagues, will know this situation. Especially at large and complex structures, there...
Network Cables connected to a Switch

Robocopy: How to Copy Massive Amounts of Data reliably

Introduction Last time I had the task to copy massive amounts of data between two file share systems. With massive amounts I talk about Terabytes :) In addition, one of the systems...
CloudFlare Setup Finished

Setup of CloudFlare Content Delivery Network (CDN) for your WordPress Website

CloudFlare is one of the most popular Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). This is a distributed network of data centers and servers. The aim of such CDNs is to offer high-availability as...
Laptop with Google Analytics

WooCommerce: Configuration of W3 Total Cache Plugin

Last week I wanted to improve the performance of a webshop running WordPress with WooCommerce. So I decided to realize this by using the W3 Total Cache Plugin. I am already...
Google Analytics Traffic

Analyze the Performance of your Website with

If you want to analyze and improve the performance of your website, I can definitely recommend you the following tool. Website Performance Test It can also help you to detect the root...